A goofy movie characters
A goofy movie characters


Break the Cutie: Both of the movies, at some point, push Goofy towards his threshold of despair in regards to his relationship with Max.Birds of a Feather: He and Sylvia are both Disco Dan types.Big Eater: "The Incredible Bulk" reveals that Goofy is quite the bottomless pit who can eat an insane amount of food and never gain any weight.


Either when finding out his son lied to him in A Goofy Movie or throwing a horseshoe at Bradley in An Extremely Goofy Movie, Goofy is very capable of frightening Tranquil Fury when pushed too far. Beware the Silly Ones: Given Goofy being a klutzy, Nice Guy who is not all that bright, it wouldn't be hard to assume that Goofy being angry is not possible.

a goofy movie characters

  • Back to School: In the second movie, to Max's horror, he decides to enroll in the same college as his son.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: If it's not embarrassing enough that he ends up following Max to school (twice, although the two events are mutually exclusive), it certainly is that he continues to baby Max in public when Max is a teenager.
  • All-Loving Hero: He doesn't appear to have a bad bone in his body, and is always willing to help out.
  • Aesop Amnesia: Similar to Max, Goofy has learned a few times now that he should be a bit less doting and a bit less intrusive when it comes to his son's personal life, but it's a lesson that never quite manages to stick.

    Adaptational Angst Upgrade: While Goofy has been a father to a son before this series (in his solo shorts from the 1950's), all the stress, fears, mistakes and heartbreak that comes with being a parent causes this incarnation of him a lot more emotional distress than it ever did before, especially in A Goofy Movie and An Extremely Goofy Movie, where the fights between Goofy and Max are played for drama.Even in An Extremely Goofy Movie, which is set seven years after the main series, the pair are still shown to hang out in their spare time. In the Goof Troop universe, the two of them are rivals and frenemies who team up to solve a problem about as often as they're pit against each other. In many continuities before and after this one, Goofy and Pete's dynamic is entirely antagonistic (and occasionally murderous).

    a goofy movie characters

    Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: With Pete.Accidental Athlete: In An Extremely Goofy Movie when he interferes with Max's practice and is even offered a spot with the Gammas by complete accident.

    a goofy movie characters

    He ends up with Sylvia in An Extremely Goofy Movie. He's the next door neighbor of the Pete family, and is often brought into Pete's schemes as a sidekick. The good-natured but clueless father of Max. Voiced by: Bill Farmer (English), Yu Shimaka (Japanese), Francisco Colmenero (Latin American Spanish/TV series), Carlos Segundo (Latin American Spanish/movies), Gérard Rinaldi (French)

    A goofy movie characters